Symptoms and treatment of herniated disc, The spine is one of the most important vertebrae or the most important parts of the skeletal system, because it determines the movement of the body and what is the correct way in which the human body must move in addition to its capabilities in the balance of the body, The spine also consists of a number of vertebrae, and all of them are divided into different names according to the presence of the vertebrae, whether they are cervical vertebrae, coccygeal vertebrae, or lumbar vertebrae. What are the symptoms that a herniated disc patient faces and how to treat the lumbar vertebrae to treat herniated disc and get rid of the causes and symptoms that cause the disease.

The spine consists of a number of vertebrae, but the incidence of a herniated disc is found in the last five vertebrae in the formation of the spine and is called the lumbar vertebrae in the spine, but what are the reasons why these vertebrae suffer from a herniated disc and what are the possible treatment methods through which the patient can get rid of the problems of slip cartilaginous;

Spine composition

The spine consists of a group of bony vertebrae, and these vertebrae vary in size and location. But all of them are found in the formation of the spine.

Where the spine extends from the upper part of the back to the lower back, these various vertebrae are called by the following names:

  • Cervical: which extends from the first vertebra, which is the neck, to the seventh vertebra.
  • Thoracic: which contains the largest number of vertebrae in the thoracic part and contains 12 thoracic vertebrae.
  • Lumbar: These are the vertebrae that have a herniated disc. The lumbar vertebrae contain five lumbar vertebrae.
  • Coccygeal or sacral: these vertebrae are located in the lower back at the base.

But the herniated disc occurs in those lumbar vertebrae, so it is necessary to know the causes that lead to herniated disc and what are its treatment methods to get rid of the problems facing the patients and the severe pain that affects the body and the back due to this injury. Therefore, it is necessary to go directly to the treating doctor to find out the diagnosis of the disease and what are the problems Which should be avoided and the therapeutic methods used to get rid of herniated discs.

Herniated disc:

The spine contains a complex network of blood vessels and a large group of nerves, and for this reason the spine is the most important part of the body and the skeletal system, but spinal diseases occur, including herniated discs of the lumbar vertebrae. Weak muscles surrounding the spine and lumbar vertebrae.

A herniated disc can occur in all vertebrae or parts of the spine in one of the vertebrae, where the herniated disc extends from the cervical vertebrae to the bottom of the coccygeal or sacral vertebrae. The herniated disc may consist in one of the vertebrae in particular, but not all. The lumbar vertebrae are the most common areas or vertebrae in the spine. He was subjected to a lumbar herniated disc, as this causes pain in the back area, especially the lumbar vertebrae area, and causes a lack of comfort and constant anxiety due to lack of sleep in an orderly manner and severe pain experienced by the herniated disc sufferer. Therefore, you should go to the doctor to know the extent of the development of the condition or the progress that you are going through his disease state.

Symptoms and treatment of herniated disc:

Where the person suffers from a herniated disc in the lumbar vertebrae due to a tear or weakness of the part and the outer ring of the vertebrae, and thus the patient suffers from a herniated disc due to the expiration or weakness of the outer ring, But there are other factors that may cause a herniated disc in the lumbar vertebrae due to a number of causes and factors leading to this, namely:

  • Aging is one of the first causes of herniated disc, because of age, there are greater chances of getting rid of the fluid or the outer ring of the lumbar or body vertebrae and the loss of the protective fluid for the vertebrae from slipping.
  • The wrong exercises that people do.
  • Injuries and protrusions that cause herniated discs in the back in the lumbar region.
  • Exercise and hard work, where a person suffers from a herniated disc due to bearing or lifting heavy weights, as lifting or enduring hard work causes severe pain in the lower back area.
  • Excess weight causes an excessive increase in body weight and fat accumulation. A person is exposed to a herniated disc because of the severe pressure that a person is exposed to, as increased pressure on the back causes a herniated disc.0
  • During pregnancy, the muscles in a pregnant woman’s body are weak and cause greater chances of a herniated disc.

Symptoms of herniated disc

There is a set of symptoms and treatment of a herniated disc that a herniated disc suffers from, which causes severe pain in the lower back, which are:

  • Pain and numbness in the lower back.
  • Pain extending to the legs.
  • Increasing the pain caused by the back at night in a way that exceeds the pain of the day and the occurrence of some wrong movements.
  • Pain from walking or moving a small distance.
  • Weakness in some muscles in the body, as this condition is a symptom of herniated disc.
  • Excessive increase in urination and lack of control over the functional role of the urinary bladder.
  • Feeling of numbness and tingling in the body and the inability to move.

The type of pain differs from one diseased condition to another. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the treating doctor to find out and diagnose the disease in a healthy and correct manner. What are the symptoms that the herniated disc patient faces, is it tingling or feeling numbness and numbness or the area suffered by the herniated disc patient in the back and does the slip affect Cartilage on movement and the ability to control the muscles and the bladder or not.

Complications of herniated disc

There are a number of complications that affect the body due to a lumbar herniated disc, as it affects the nerves and leads to damage to the nerves in the body. There are some unique cases in which a herniated disc may affect nerve impulses in the lower back and legs.

A herniated disc affects the nerves in the body, causing loss of sensation in the thighs, the back parts of the legs, and the rectum.

herniated disc treatment

The treatment methods for herniated discs in the lumbar vertebrae depend on identifying and diagnosing the disease and the level of herniated disc.

What is the extent to which the cartilage retracts from its main area and the treatment methods are:

daily habits

This is one of the best ways to treat a herniated disc in the initial stages, through:

  • Doing healthy exercises to stimulate and strengthen the muscles of the body.
  • Not to do hard work and bear heavy loads that affect the body.
  • Ice cream should be used to reduce the injury and reduce the pain.
  • You should not refrain from stopping if you feel pain in the back due to a herniated disc.
  • In this case, you should remain at work and remain active for as long as possible.


This treatment is done in late cases of pain and injury, and the protective fluid or cartilage can be changed.

Medicines and chemotherapy

It is one of the solutions that the patient resorts to to get rid of and reduce the feeling of pain.

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